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Our vision

For example, milk collection: Hygiene problems are not only associated with production, but also with distribution.


Everyone has a right to food, access to clean water, the right to education and development, a right to healthcare, a right to cultural identity and a right to habitat. Everyone has the right to live in dignity.

Unfortunately, however, food safety in many parts of Africa is completely ignored. This is a paradox, since consumers of the so-called 3rd and 4th worlds are precisely at greatest risk of infection. The reasons for this are:

  • food is produced under poor hygiene conditions,
  • the rate of germ-spread, which is high during food production and processing, is very high among the people involved,
  • the proportion of immunocompromised individuals is estimated at over 30% of the total population.

Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick, the immunocompromised and HIV / AIDS-positive patients are considered particularly vulnerable. In contrast to the general population, they have up to 600-times greater risk of developing a food-borne infectious disease.




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Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

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