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In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.

Monday 17. December 2018 / Category: Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Report

The probability of food fraud depends essentially on three factors:

  1. Is there direct contact between manufacturers and consumers? - Direct contact assures an active feedback loop and hence immediate control. The producer feels obliged to the consumer.
  2. Code of honor - Do producers and retailers adhere to appropriate value systems and quality...
Wednesday 12. December 2018 / Category: Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Report

Each food scandal is the result of - simplified - either a mistake or intention. The desire to obtain a financial or economic advantage leads some food producers to fraudulent conduct. Others, in turn, misinterpret risks and situations in a grossly negligent way.

However, food fraud is not a phenomenon of modern times. It has existed ever since food was traded for...

Monday 10. December 2018 / Category: Poor food hygiene, Land conflicts, Report

70 years ago this very day, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of Human Rights. It assumes that all people have the same fundamental rights - regardless of their nationality, their ethnic group or their religion. Although the Human Rights are recognised by most states in principle, compliance with the declaration is still not a matter of course in many countries. This...

Monday 26. November 2018 / Category: Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Children, Report

Food safety is an issue of growing significance in our globalized world. In order to reduce costs, the food industry increasingly relies on raw materials produced in Africa or Southeast Asia. In developing countries, however, food controls are often unreliable or completely lacking.

At the Vetmeduni Vienna, the working group "Global Food...

Friday 09. November 2018 / Category: Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Children, Report

November 10th is World Science Day. This day is to remind us of the responsibility that researchers all over the world bear for humanity and the environment. Although it is a human right to benefit from scientific advancements, that right can hardly be claimed, especially in developing countries. Concerning research matters, people in these countries are mostly dependent on foreign...

Tuesday 16. October 2018 / Category: Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Children, Report

Today is World Food Day. For an incredible total of 800 million people, sufficient food and clean drinking water are still not a matter of course. At the same time, the quality of food is often poor, especially in developing countries.

In Tanzania, for example, many women are HIV-positive and have to feed their babies with milk powder. However, the quality of the milk powder is...

Monday 15. October 2018 / Category: Maasai, Pastoralists, Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Report

Milk is susceptible to various kinds of germs, which can be transferred to humans through food and cause infectious diseases. In Austria, strict hygiene measures are taken in each production step, so that dangerous germs do not get into food. Before milking, the udder of the animals is cleaned carefully. Necessary drinking water is available in sufficient quantities. Farmers, dairies and...

Monday 08. October 2018 / Category: Maasai, Pastoralists, Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Report

In his doctoral thesis at the Vetmeduni Vienna, our Tanzanian employee John Laffa examined which plants the Maasai use to smoke-treat their calabashes. Calabashes serve as vessels to store the milk of the Maasai's cattle.

The trees and shrubs used are also important medicinal plants for the Maasai. They have a wide range of healing properties, including analgesic,...

Wednesday 03. October 2018 / Category: Maasai, Pastoralists, Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Report

John Laffa lives in Tanzania and has been a competent employee of Veterinarians without Borders for years. The graduate expert in agriculture, livestock and animal breeding is enroled for a doctorate course in veterinary medicine at the Vetmeduni Vienna (VMU). At the Institute of Milk Hygiene at the VMU he now wrote his doctoral thesis on indigenous Maasai milk hygiene and...

Thursday 27. September 2018 / Category: Maasai, Pastoralists, Global Food, Poor food hygiene, Secure milk, Report

Are you familiar with this: You want to take a good cup of coffee, add some milk and only then you realize that it has turned sour. Each of us who has encountered problems with the shelf-life of dairy products during the hot summer months can imagine the challenges the Maasai in the East African steppe face every day.

The Maasai live there under extreme environmental conditions....

Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 22

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CARE 4 DOGS - Medical care for stray dogs. | © Veterinarinas without Borders Austria


Vets all over Austria are vaccinating pets this week and donating half of the vaccination fee to...


Vaccination for Africa 2024 helps stray dogs in need. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Animal vaccination campaign 2024: Every contribution counts

Take part and do good: Get your pet vaccinated and help stray dogs in need! Half of the vaccination...


Not only people, but also thousands of pets have lost their homes due to the war in Ukraine. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Street dogs in Ukraine: surviving the crisis

In Ukraine, not only people are suffering, but also thousands of dogs that have lost their homes....

Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

Weitere Clips
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