In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.
The participants of our current project "Mobile school for Sandawe agro-pastoralists" are currently visiting an agricultural exhibition in Dodoma (Tanzania). Project Manager John Laffa is very satisfied with his students: "They are very motivated and open to new things. Whether animal farming, cultivation of grains or processing of agricultural products, they want to expand their...
Ein mögliches Infektionsszenario: Ein an Tuberkulose erkrankter Mensch scheidet den Erreger via Auswurf...
Immer öfter werden die Maasai Opfer von Landkonflikten. Grund dafür sind wirtschaftliche Interessen von Investoren, die große Gebiete erwerben um dort Gold abzubauen, gewerbliche Jagdreviere zu errichten oder Landwirtschaft in großem Stil zu betreiben. Das Ergebnis: 3.000 Maasai sind bereits heimat- und obdachlos, 40.000 Maasai stehen vor der Zwangsvertreibung.
Prof. Dagmar Schoder, Präsidentin...
Susanna Hirschlers Hund Brutus wird zugunsten von IMPFEN FÜR AFRIKA geimpft | © Fritz Novopacky
The 2024 World Veterinary Day has the theme "Veterinarians are essential health workers"....
Our parent organization Vétérinaires sans Frontières International (VSF-Int) is looking for a...
Our parent organization Vétérinaires sans Frontières International (VSF-Int) is looking for new...
Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...
Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...
We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...