In Africa and Asia alone, an incredible 770 million people suffer from hunger. | © Veterinarians without Borders
The World Food Day should draw attention to the fact that millions of people worldwide are still suffering from hunger. The concern about whether the next meal will provide enough food for oneself and the family is unfortunately omnipresent for many people in developing countries, but it is hardly imaginable for people in developed countries given the food surplus there. The essential role food safety plays for the entire world has been highlighted by the massive impact of COVID-19 across the globe.
Read more about our project Global Food Fraud - Time for action
Vets all over Austria are vaccinating pets this week and donating half of the vaccination fee to...
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In Ukraine, not only people are suffering, but also thousands of dogs that have lost their homes....
Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...
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